Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Grand Tour of Ohio -Dublin

I finally made it to Dublin, Ohio, for the first time in my life.  It's only an hour away.   

I found out on Saturday that it was the home of the Muirfield Memorial PGA golf tournament.   My husband and I had driven down to scope out the tour I had planned for the Mid Ohio Bikers Tuesday Social Ride.  We got involved in a lot of traffic congestion.    Today I rode the route and traffic was much lighter!

I planned the ride starting from Avery Park, heading north in a general direction, and looping around Jerome before turning to the south.

Here's the plan:

 You can access it on Ride with GPS at this link.  But be aware, I have some corrections to make. 


When parking at Avery Park, I noticed this large soccer ball skeleton.  It is just one example of art in public places in Dublin.   

After parking the car and getting the bike off the car, I used the restroom and noticed this solar-powered recycling bin next to the building.   We don't have those in our little hometown.

I started out and first passed the high school.  I have an error in my planned route right about there where two control points are reversed, so my GPS was telling me to make a u-turn.  But I knew I was supposed to continue along the path, so I kept going.  

Next big landmark was a winery.   It looked like I had been transported the Mediterranean.  

RidwithGPS said this trail was unpaved, but it definitely has asphalt on it.

Beautiful lake and waterfall on the winery property.

I skirted  through the East side of Glacier Ridge Metropark on my way north towards Jerome.  I saw lots of wildlife including several deer, rabbits, and birds.   Lots of lakes and ponds, as well as grasslands and an area where elm trees are being reintroduced, according to the signage.

In Jerome, I looped through a couple of quiet residential streets before getting back on the paved trail.  On the way back through the  Metropark, I decided to loop into the challenge area (which I had not planned to ride) , and  noticed a lot of kids in blue shirts on a field trip. 

lot of 

There was also a very tame bunny, unperturbed by my passing.  I saw another deer in this area, but it quickly jumped into the woods before I could grab my camera.

I looped through the Honda wetlands Nature Center and admired more wildlife from a distance 

Then returned to the path.  More art along the trail. An mural decorating a pedestrian tunnel.

Boat in a field.  This is one of Dublin's newest installations, and it appears to only be reachable by the "walking" path.   

Everywhere were these dry-stacked stone walls, I guess trying to make us feel like we're in Dublin, Ireland.

At one point the path was edged by formal hedges, making it feel like a maze.

I was admiring the gardens at the Indian Run Meadows park as I passed through.   There was a woman with a dog coming towards me.  A faster cyclist was coming behind me.  I spied a picnic table and thought it would be an ideal place to stop for a snack.   Well, with all this happening, as I slowed down and attempted to dismount, my foot got caught and I ended up falling.   I cracked my (helmeted) head  on the path.  The woman and the dog stopped to help me get up.  She weighed about a hundred pounds and she was trying to pull up on my arm at an awkward angle, so I reverted to downward dog position and crawled my way up.  It was nice of her to stop.  The other cyclist was long gone.   I sat and ate my snack and drank some water, then kept going 

I turned the wrong way and ran into a closed sidewalk.  A pedestrian stopped to chat with me and told me that the city of Dublin is really expanding, he thinks they will reach all the way to Plain City within a few years.  This street project is taking a year.  My GPS had routed me around it, but I guess I didn't believe it.  I turned around and continued through a few city streets before returning to the path 

I took a few more wrong turns on paths that crossed streets.  The cues were hard to understand as they would tell me to turn twice at one intersection, crossing two streets and getting on to a path, so I need to clean up the cue sheets.   

Including one wrong turn almost at the end of the ride, the cues said navigation was finished, but I had turned the wrong way.   

One thing I will say is that Dublin must have spent about a billion dollars in pavement.  There are paths everywhere!   

I rode most of the ride in Eco mode on my e-bike, and after riding over 20 miles I still have 76% battery left.   There were a few small hills but nothing very extreme.   Nothing like my ride yesterday from home to Malabar Farm!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Happy (New) Bike Day!

 Well it was really two days ago, on June 3.  For me it was happy NEW bike day yesterday.  An online friend asked me about my purchase and this was my reply.  

"I did a lot of research online first. I wanted a mid-drive (higher torque for hills and my excess weight, better balance) I wanted to try a variety of ebikes of various brands. I knew if I stepped foot in Y-not first I would feel obligated to buy there because Eric is in our club, and I wanted to find out what else was on the market. So I went to Columbus, went to Johnny Velo first. If they had had the bikes I wanted in stock things might have happened differently. The sales guy was super nice, low-key, friendly, helpful etc. I was looking for a Kona Dew-e, which they would be happy to order for me. He let me ride an Aventon Solera which was fun and fit well, the motor was peppy. But it was my very first ride on any e-bike! I was also looking for an Aventon Ramblas but again, not in stock. The Soltera was a hub-drive bike, not what I wanted. Then I went to REI in Dublin and rode a Tern GSD. It was different! I thought I wanted a cargo bike but found out I didn't. I wanted to ride one of their Co-op CTY bikes, but they didn't have it built yet, although it was in stock. So we were headed home when my husband spotted the Trek store in Dublin, we stopped in,  and they put me on a Verve 3. It was a lot like the Aventon but a little heavier. I wanted to ride some more bikes before deciding.  

The next day we went to Ashland and they let me ride a Giant Momentum. It felt like the bike geometry was similar to the bike I had as a kid. It was comfortable but the controls didn't have an LCD display. They also let me ride a Cannondale Montero which I did not like at all because my stomach bumped into the handlebar HARD as I was getting on. He pulled a third bike out, I don't remember what it was or what I didn't like. So, on to Ride On in Wooster. She pulled out three bikes for me to ride, I don't remember the first one but it obviously did not impress me. The second was a Specialized Turbo Como. It had a front suspension and seemed to go on its own even before I turned on the pedal assist. It was so smooth. The handlebars were higher for a more upright posture. The bike was so fun to ride! Then I rode a Liv Amiti, and while it was nice, compared to the Como it seemed like it was much harder to turn the pedals. I don't know, maybe it was in the wrong gear or something, but it just wasn't as much fun. I planned on going to Holmesville to the e-bikes of Holmes county store. But my husband and I decided to eat lunch first, and we talked. I had to get back home and change, then get to Lexington by six to host the fiberarts meeting. We really didn't have time to get to Holmesville, try out the Gazelles, and make my schedule, so I would have to wait until at least today. I still had another six or seven bikes on my list. But the Como was marked down substantially due to their downsizing their store, and it was so fun to ride I was giggling. I was afraid if I waited several days, it would be sold to someone else. So I went back and got it. I will probably have some buyer's regret because I saw several good reviews for the Gazelles and also for the Ride1up Prodigy. But there is no substituting for putting your butt on the seat and turning the pedals.  

There is nothing wrong with the Trek and all my other bikes are Treks. It is a solid brand. I wanted to try out the Trek Allante too. 

As to the bike I bought, I rode 10 very hilly miles this morning, avoiding a few raindrops. On my other bike, there are six spots where I had to get off and walk up the hill on this route. I made it around the circuit the whole way without getting off my bike once. On the two steepest hills, I had to turn it all the way up to turbo mode, and my heart was working. My Fitbit reported 25 minutes cardio and 35 minutes fat-burning. I still had 79% battery at the end of the ride. I'm very happy so far."

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

2023 Adventures

 Between getting an upper respiratory infection in July and still recovering from knee replacement last year, I would say that I have not gotten a lot of miles in this year. 

But, a week or so ago, I took a trip with the Mid-Ohio Bikers that was fantastic! 

One of our members had expressed a desire to ride the Greater Niagara Circle Route. Information on this route can be found on the Niagara Tourism web site here. 

We chose to start at Fort Erie, just after crossing the Peace Bridge into Canada. (Note - to do this tour you need a valid passport.)  We stayed at a hotel just past the bridge to get a good start in the morning. We rode the route counter-clockwise to put the 50-mile trip on the first day. 

The entire route follows along waterways, from the Niagara River, including Niagara Falls, to the Welland Canal.  Our hotel the second night was at Lock 7 on the canal.  We had a great view of several barges transversing the canal through the locks. 

We also saw a whirlpool, where the Niagara River changes direction.


We had fantastic weather.  I took my husband along as a private SAG.  He followed behind or ahead of us for the two days and had a relaxing time.  If we had had more time, I would have visited the Niagara Parks school of horticulture.  As we rode our bicycles past, there was an intense fragrance emanating from the rose garden, it almost knocked me off my bicycle. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

GOBA 34 D5 & D6

 I am writing this post from the comfort of my kitchen table at home. I have finished my usual breakfast of  egg and oatmeal  and I am still sipping my brewed espresso.  Yes, I quit GOBA early.  It's raining outside and the weather predicts rain all day.  I am thinking of my friends who are still doing GOBA and wondering how their day is going. 

So here's what happened: 

Day 5.  

The route was a mandatory riding day, as we moved from Willoughby, Ohio, south to Kent.  Kent, as in Kent State University near Akron, Ohio.   The prevailing wind in Ohio is from the southwest, and it proved to be a day where that was true.  We didn't have high wind, but it was somewhat breezy. 

After taking down the tent and packing gear up, we started the day by pushing the bikes up the hill out of the park.  You can see the uphill road on the left side of the photo below. 

I stopped for a bagel and egg breakfast at a coffee shop in downtown Willoughby.  My friends are much faster riders than I am, so I worried with every bite I took that I was getting further and further behind. I knew the route was going to be hilly for the day from looking at the elevation map in RideWithGPS. 

I rode the first 10 miles, pushing my bike up the steepest parts of the first two big hills.  I rode most of the way up the gradual rises between miles 5 and 10.  I had to get off and walk several times.  My heart rate had still not returned to my normal resting heart rate of 70 from the day before.  When I got up it was still at 94.  So walking up the hills was frequently pushing it up to 120 plus.  I was really nervous at mile 10 where the hill was much longer and steeper than the first two.  Everyone was passing me.  "On your left!" "Passing" or just "Good Morning!" to let me know they were coming around.  Even the little kids were passing me, as well as the couples on tandems with their kids and riders who were 10 or even 20 years older than me.  By the time I got to Mile 10 at Chagrin falls I was hot and bothered.  A group of three people from Pittsburg that I had met the day before said they would ride with me. 

 Two of them were emergency room personnel in their day jobs.  One of them in particular (the lady on the fence) pledged to stay with me all the way.  I told her not to.  The lady in pink had snapped this picture of me riding past one of the buildings in Chagrin Falls and she shared it with me. 

I looked at the road snaking up a hill past the bridge.  I know that a "can do" attitude is the first prerequisite to doing anything, but in my heart of hearts, I knew that I could not do that hill and then continue uphill afterwards. 

I told them to go ahead.  I was going to call an Uber.  So I circled back to the library in Chagrin Falls and I locked up my bike.  I took a few minutes to cool off in the air-conditioned library and used the WiFi to work on previous blog posts.  I had no data on my phone in Willoughby, so I was feeling the need to get online.  After twenty minutes or so I installed the Uber app on my phone.  I ordered an XL ride (an SUV with 6 passenger capability) Everything went smoothly, the SUV driver said no problem carrying my bike.  I picked a destination that was before the lunch stop (I did not want to miss lunch again!) I would be missing the snack stop but that was OK because I had had the bagel for breakfast before I started.  My planned destination was the golf course on Aurora Road.  The driver dropped me off at a restaurant on a road that was a straight shot to rejoin the route. 

About a mile down the road, I heard "Brenda??????? Is that you????????"  from the rider behind me.  It was my friend Jody from our local bike club.  She was very surprised to see me in front of her, since she is a very strong rider who typically floats up the hills at home in Mansfield.  I explained how I had taken an Uber.  She was impressed that I thought of that.  She asked about where the lunch stop was.  It was about a half mile ahead.  She showed me her hand, it was shaking.  She was bonking.  I offered her a snack from my fanny pack, but she declined.  Good thing she refused, because I then realized I had forgotten to put any in it this morning. 

She went ahead.  When I arrived at the lunch stop I first stood in line at the Port-a-Johns.  I should have used the air-conditioned flush toilet in the bathroom at the library.  I went through the lunch line where they had pizza, hot dogs and watermelon. They also had ice cream but since I can't have dairy,  I skipped that option.  I looked for Jody in the picnic area, and found my other friends from the local club as well.  

A woman looked at me suspiciously and asked if I rode the whole way.  I just smiled at her.  

My other friend from the local bike club was not doing well after climbing the hills.  She prefers to ride on trails, not roads, and she is not as strong on hills.  She usually brakes going downhill.  It's important to get as much momentum as possible when riding "rollers" because the momentum can carry you up most of the next hill, if you are lucky.   She actually opted to SAG (accept a ride from the Support and Gear team) out. 

When you SAG, everyone says it's OK, but you know they are mentally assigning you to another category of rider.  It's not supposed to be a competitive ride, but some people act as if it is.  People are judging you all the time.  I heard later that there were several SAGs at that stop, and that there were multiple people who had SAGged  at the breakfast stop.  

After lunch, as I was riding out,  the Pittsburg group caught up with me.  They looked very flushed and tired, like everyone else, they had actually ridden the killer hills.  Judy again pledged to stay with me so I didn't have to ride alone.  

After lunch there was a stretch of country highway where road maintenance was being performed.  There were asphalt and tar on the road.  Some of them stuck to my wheel and then pinged off when they hit the forks.  To my untrained ear, it sounded like a spoke was breaking or something so I had to stop to check it out. There were a lot of big trucks carrying asphalt and road equipment thundering past.  There was also a giant farm tractor with disks folded up behind him to travel on the road.  I pulled off into a driveway so he could get by.  Judy had never seen one of these before, and she was speculating on what it was used for, so I explained it was to prepare the field for planting.   Pickup trucks with rednecks driving them sooted us and blared their horns at us.  There is an Ohio law that says when overtaking, you must give an audible alert.  I think the lawmakers intended a "Beep" not a "BLARE", as these trucks did.  One driver actually passed us blaring the horn, then turned into a barn driveway ahead of us, turned around and came back at us blaring the horn again.  A little bit scary, but also annoying.  We were single file when there was traffic, so we were obeying the law.  They acted as if we had no right to be on the road.   There were many hills on this stretch that I had to walk up and Judy walked along with me.  She was very encouraging "You got this!" "Keep going!"  She kept offering me a wet cloth but I just poured some water over my head.  I had three full bottles at the start of this stretch, but by the time we reached the water stop they were all empty.  Along this stretch a guy came up and told us he was the designated last rider. He passed us, so we became the last riders.  When we reached the water stop it was a few minutes after 5:00 and the Port-a-Johns were being loaded to be taken away.  The SAG volunteers did have water to refill a bottle. They told us they were working overtime and I asked if they were getting paid time and a half or doubletime - either way it was zero.   We debated about whether to ride the last 8-9 miles into Kent.  Judy's friends had gone ahead and were probably already in camp.  I don't know why she wanted to ride with me.  I felt guilty about holding her up, so I asked the volunteers if they would give us a ride "for free" since they were going that way anyway.  The team leader looked at me and said since it was such a hard ride today and so many people had SAGged, he would give us a freebie.  The official rule is that if you SAG twice, you are asked to leave the trip. It took a while to load Judy's bike as it was a different geometry and didn't fit the standard bike carrier.  Luckily the team leader had a different carrier in the back of his car, which they were able to install and then load her bike.    My driver was his wife. She and I  chatted while she took me back. She was a runner turned rider turned SAG driver.   Judy rode in the team leader's car, and since she was camping in the general area and I was in the Knight's Kingdom, we separated.   

After thanking the amateur radio operators for the lift, I picked up my luggage and looked for a spot to put up my tent.  I spotted a guy, John, who had camped near me the first night in Jefferson.  His tent was closest to the showers and Port-a-Pots.  I saw lots of the Knight's Kingdom luxury tents, but not a lot of tents from the tier of service I had subscribed to, which was bring your own tent and put it up yourself.  John pointed the way to the front of the park.  I took my bike back that way and observed all the tents pitched on the side of the hill.  Since my experience back at the fairgrounds,  trying to roll uphill in the middle of the night, I opted to return to the spot closest to the showers where John was camped.  It was flat but full of tree roots,  and there were a lot of carpenter ants running around with a lot of wood chips on the ground.  I secured my bike to a telephone pole and proceeded to put up my tent.  

Jody and Ruth, from my club, came by and asked if I wanted to walk a mile into town to get dinner with them.  I was still sweaty and in my riding shorts. They said they hadn't showered because they walked all the way from their tent, which was a half mile away, to shower, only to find out that the water was being tested and the showers were closed.  So they had changed clothes only.   They offered to bring me a hamburger if I wasn't up to walking.   

I got my tent up and gathered my things to take to the shower.  When I got there, a woman waiting there said there was no hot water, but they were working on it. Since my tent was only a few hundred feet away, and I could monitor the queue from my vantage spot, I elected to wait.  As soon as the hot water was fixed, I watched the queue get shorter, and then longer.  I was torn between taking a shower and missing Jody and Ruth when they  returned with my hamburger.  I decided to wait.  

It was getting late when they returned.  I went ahead and ate the hamburger while we chatted for a few minutes. They said goodbye when the kids working for  Knight's Kingdom came over and pitched their tents next to me and ran a noisy leaf blower to fill up their air mattresses.  Then the kids brought the takeout they had ordered from a Chinese place to the spot between my tent and John's and sat on the ground.  They had no utensils to eat with, and the shashimi was missing, so there was general chaos.  I had only used my fork so I offered them my spoon and knife.   I decided my best course of action was to go and get my shower.  My phone was not charging from my battery banks, so I assumed they must be dead.  I took them to the charging station where there was a complete mess of splitters plugged in.  I plugged my phone directly into an extension cord running into the building.   After my shower I went back and switched the phone with one of the battery banks. 

When I got back the kids were gone but they had left a container of egg drop soup on the ground.   I sat in my chair for a few minutes and played Wordle on my phone.  (I had data again!)  When one of the kids came by I pointed out the soup container and they took it away.  Then I went into my tent and fell asleep.

Day 6. 

I rolled over in my tent.  I could barely move my shoulder.  Several months ago I had visited the doctor because of sleeping "wrong" on my arm and pinching something.  I couldn't lift my arm past a certain point then, and it felt exacttly the same on this morning.  He had prescribed muscle relaxers, but not only did I not have them with me, they would not be a viable option on a day where I needed to ride my bike. I wondered how I would perform my usual awkward move of rolling over into "downward facing dog" position to walk my hands up and back out of my tent, if I couldn't even move my arm. I rested a few minutes, gingerly moving my arm up to the limit and trying to move it past the sore place.  I realized that during the night, I had gotten crossways of my Thermarest air mattress and had been lying half-on and half-off the mattress.  My whole body ached, including my hips, from walking way more than I usually do on this trip.  It took a full half hour of small movements before I tried to get myself out of the tent.  

I got dressed and walked down to the Port-a-John area. A woman waiting in line for the toilet told me she was dropping out and looking for a ride back to Jefferson. We exchanged phone numbers.  Then I headed over to the area where John had indicated breakfast would be served.  It was across several parking lots, in a pavilion within the metropark.When I arrived, I learned they were out of coffee, but more was coming.  I hung around and two of my friends from our local club showed up.  Eventually the promised coffee arrived and I meandered over to the food table.  They were out of bananas and muffins.  That is all I noticed that they had on offer. 

I drank my coffee and decided to ride my bike into town and explore what was for breakfast.  The ride scheduled for today was optional, and with the aches in my body I decided it was not an option for me.  I needed a day of rest.  I debated leaving the trip.  The weather for Friday and Saturday was supposed to be rainy.  Did I really want to tough it out?  I mentioned to my friends that I was thinking of dropping out.  

As I walked back to my tent and my bike, I ran into Sue, the woman who, along with her husband, had convinced me to SAG in two days before.  I told her I was thinking of dorpping out, and she suggested putting a notice on the bulletin board to share a ride back to the starting point, where my car was parked. I told her about the woman who was looking for a ride and said we could share an Uber.  

A few minutes later I got a text from the first woman, who had already found a ride.  Then I got a text from Sue.  She had arrived back to her tent and found a couple that had already called a cab.  The cab would be there in half an hour.  I needed to make a decision.  

So I decided to take the cab ride.   Nothing for me to do to arrange it except grab my car keys.  My share of the cab ride turned out to cost more than a solo Uber trip, but it really didn't matter at that point.  The ride to Jefferson was uneventful.  I got in my car, said goodbye to the other two,  and drove back to Kent.  At some point I was driving along the optional bike route for the day and I passed a few cyclists.  Downtown seemed like a lot of heavy traffic.  I was able to park my car a few steps from my tent and take it down, pack my suitcases, etc.  Once that was done, I thought about riding my bike around Kent but it seemed like another hassle.  Did I mention I was tired?  I texted my friends that I was leaving.  

I learned later that the next day the forecasted rain for Friday did not come.  The ride to the fairgrounds in Burton was easier than the last ride I had taken, although it was hot.  Because of the forecasted rain, the GOBA organization was able to get the fairgrounds to open up another building for inside camping. They said the last day ride was an easy one, although they did have to ride in the rain. 

And so ends the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure of 2023.  In my case, I will remember it as The Great Ohio Bicycle Ordeal.  It was an ordeal for me mostly because I wasn't conditioned enough, and there were a host of reasons for that, but the bottom line was I was not in the best shape of my life. I'd had the knee replacement in November and my brother-in-law's death in May.   I didn't put my bike through a safety check before leaving, and it probably could have used new tires before the trip, although if I ran over some glass it might not have prevented the flat.   It was also an ordeal because of lack of information,  cold weather the first night,  long walks, too much sudden elevation change, showers and toilets being out of order,  towel service not being available, and having to find food on my own. 

It was also fun at times.  Despite living in Ohio most of my adult life, I had never been to Fairport Harbor or Willoughby, which seemed like charming towns.  The covered bridges in Ashtabula County were very picturesque and the weather the first couple of days was just about perfect for a bike ride.  I met a lot of really nice people, and got to know my existing friends better. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

GOBA 34 D3 and 4

 So yesterday was beautiful.

  I experienced a Zen moment when rolling downhill for miles.  The sky was blue, the grass was green, pedaling was easy, and flowers were blooming along the side of the road.  There was a long downhill for several miles.  Pedalling was easy.

I was having a wonderful day.  

About half a mile from the end of the route,  I noticed some young boys, about 8-10 years old, playing football in the front of their house.  They asked me if I wanted some water and held up a bottled water.  I checked my water, and I still had half a bottle , so I thanked them but said "no".  Then I heard a pop like a cap gun, and I thought maybe they were shooting at me.  Within a few seconds I realized that my back wheel sounded funny, so I stopped.   Sure enough I had a flat tire.  I was only 1/2 mile from GOBAville, where there was a mobile bike store.  I had several options.  I had a patch kit for a tube.  I've changed tires before, in the cool comfort of my husband's garage, with the bike in a stand, and my husband at my elbow correcting me when I was about to do something wrong.  I haven't ever changed a tire at the side of the road in the hot sun.  I also had a spare tube, but I wasn't sure if it was in the bottom of the pannier on my bike, or the identical pannier that I had left in camp.  So I could unload the pannier and root around in the hopes of finding a tube that didn't need patching, but I would still be changing the rear tire at the side of the road.  A couple stopped and the man offered to help me change the tire.  I told  him about hearing the pop, and he said, "Oh, that's bad.  Sounds like a blowout." So he started looking for a hole in the sidewall, but instead he found a gash about an inch and a half long in the center of the tire.  He said, "well, you can't do any more damage to that tire by pushing it." And he and his wife continued on their way.  I kept pushing the bike.  Riders kept passing me and asking if I needed help... 

After pushing for about 1/4 mile, I rounded the turn into the fairgrounds.  At about the same time a pickup slowed down and asked me if I wanted a ride in to the fairgrounds.  It was one of the riders who had asked if I was OK.  His name was Don and he was from Toledo.  I accepted and he loaded my bike and he took me directly to the bike store's mobile shop.  So nice of him to offer this practical help. 

 The poor young man in the tent was overwhelmed with doing intake, as riders rolled in from the day's ride. His boss has gone for a break and he was working all alone.   He didn't have time to fix anything, he was just taking orders.

I left my bike with him and walked up to my part of the campground. I showered, then  I got a text from my friend from our bike club that she had arrived and was with another friend. They were in the lower half of the fairgrounds.   I let them know that I thought dinner was at the expo center, and they should come up to the main entrance.  Dinner was being provided by GOBA, and was catered by the same Mexican restaurant we had eaten at the night before.  The line was already a quarter of a mile long.  

The caterers were half an hour late in arriving, but once they got there, they moved the line along very efficiently.  It's hard to visualize 1100 people lined up to eat dinner.  The inside of the Expo building was full.

When we left there were still people queued up to get their food. 

 We moved to another building on the fairgrounds where there was a wine-tasting from area vineyards and an entertainer.  I received a troubling phone call from a family member so I missed some of his performance.  

Afterwards I went to pick up my bike.  It wasn't done, but they told me to come back in an hour.  It was a long walk from the bike shop tent, so I wandered over to a barn where 4-H kids were practicing barrel racing, as I had done when I was a kid.  My friend joined me and we chatted until the appointed time. 

When is arrived to pick up my bike, the owner had it ready.  He was explaining the difference between my old tire and the new one I had chosen from the three that the young man had offered me.  I told him it didn't matter because I considered this a temporary repair, since I planned to buy Vittoria Raddoneurs like I had on my other touring bike.  He said he wished he had known that because he had some of those In stock.  But it turned out, not in my size.  But he has a perfectly acceptable substitute,Michelin puncture-resistant ones.  So he said he could install them in a minute or two.  He also told me that my cassette was dangerously loose, and that he had fixed it.  Probably saved my life at some hypothetical point  in the future.  And he only charged me $5 for that service.

So it was a blessing that my tire had a blowout.

Today, Day 4, was not a great day.  It was a long day, a 50-mile ride.  I was up at 4:30 to pack my things, eat breakfast, and get my bags to the loading spot for the truck.  Somehow it was 7:00 before I left.  I thought I hit a high point on the route where it would be all downhill after a few miles, and I texted my husband with a screen print and a photo.


But I was mistaken.  Shortly after the rest stop there was a sharp downhill with a curve, immediately followed by an  uphill with a 12 % grade.

Everyone walked uphill.  There was no time to shift into a lower gear after the downhill.  There were a lot of smaller hills. 

It turned into a very hot day.  The community organizations in Fairport Harbor prepared a lunch (for 1100 people) that included cabbage rolls that I can say were some of the best I had ever had.  After lunch we rode past a lighthouse.  Fairport Harbor seemed like a really nice town to come back and tour some day when we have more time. 

I stopped at a gas station and bought some sunscreen as the sun was shining very brightly and I could feel my skin crisping up after a couple of days of riding with no sunscreen.  The temperature was 82 degrees.  The route turned to the west and we had a breeze from the east, so I was looking forward to a tailwind.  There were a few hills along the way and the car traffic was really heavy with semi trucks, gravel wagons, and cement trucks blasting by. 

I started having difficulty breathing and climbing the hills.  There was a couple from Xenia riding near me.  I later learned their names were Mike and Sue.  They noticed my difficulty and insisted that I stop in the shade across the street.  They wanted me to sit down in the shade, but I had trouble doing that because of my recent knee surgery, and to be honest, my weight, so we just stood there.   Mike wanted to take my pulse but I told him I could get it from my Fitbit.  It showed 130 even after resting for several minutes, but finally fell to 120.  My normal resting heart rate is 75.  They told me they had just heard of a rider having a massive coronary after complaining of being short of breath.  So, they insisted that I call the SAG wagon.  I consented.  I had ridden about 36 miles. 

The SAG (Support and Gear) driver came, drove me to the rest stop, then transferred me to another SAG driver.   All the SAGs for the GOBA official ride are amateur radio operators volunteering their time for the whole week. They are "people" people.  

GOBAville was set up in a park in Willoughby.  As we drove through downtown, I noticed that it looked like a a charming town with numerous restaurants. 

When we arrived, I went to sit down for a while.   My heart rate did not go down immediately.  It was jumping back and forth between 110-120.  I walked across the paved area to a Port-a-john and back and my heart was racing again.  I visited the medical tent where a doctor examined me, took a history, and told me I was probably just dehydrated.   She said if she had any IV's there she would put me on one, but she did not. So her prescription was to go and sit down and drink at least six bottles of water.

The sun was still blazing down.  Luckily the "Knights Kingdom" where my tent was set up was not too far away from the medical RV.  I got my luggage, took my tent out and pegged the corners to establish my camp spot, then took out my chair and went to rest under the canopy. 

 I drank four bottles of cold water there, adding NUUN tablets to two of them.  I just sat there for a few hours.  My friends came by and asked about me.  They told me that due to the way the GOBA people had laid out the various areas, the showers were up 96 steps.  Other people mentioned 93 steps, some said 98.    No way was I going to do that, with the sun blazing down.  Finally as the sun was starting to go down,  I gathered my things to go up to the shower truck.   I found a way where the incline was less.   It was quite steep, regardless.  As I walked up I noticed the arrows painted on on the pavement indicating that is where we would leave to go ride the next day.   My mental reaction was totally irrational, I got MAD.  I knew I would NOT be able to ride up out of the camping area, I would have to push my bike.  After my shower, I walked down to the village, found a restaurant that looked likely.  Had a great kale salad with salmon.  A couple of glasses of wine, then walked back to GOBA and fell into my tent and fell asleep immediately. 

Grand Tour of Ohio -Dublin

I finally made it to Dublin, Ohio, for the first time in my life.  It's only an hour away.    I found out on Saturday that it was the ho...